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发表日期2008/11/4 8:44:10 作者:无 有1074位读者读过


 Book4A Unit9 What’s the matter? 第三课时D.E.F部分教学过程:
 Step1 Greeting
 Step2 Free talk
 (1) T: What day is it today? S: It’s …
 T: How are you ? S: I’m not so good.
 T: What’s the matter ? S: I’m …
 Here’s …for you.
 Why don’t you have some soft drink?
 Come and have some cakes.
 (2)The students practice
 (3)Read the new stences.
 Step3 Play a game
 (1)T:What’s the matter ?(抽卡片)
 S1: I’m thirsty. The students guess.(卡片上的物品):Here’s … for you.
 (2)Play the game in groups.
 (3)Game is over.
 (4)出示句子“I’ve got …”
 Step4 出示图片(E部分插图)
 (1)T: Who’s he ?   Ss:He’s  Mr  tiger.
 T: /t/. /t/. /t/ tiger(学生跟读)出示/t/
 T: What has Mr tiger got ?
 S: He has got violin vest tie.
 T: /v/./v/./v/.violin (学生跟读)出示/v/
 T: /v/./v/./v/ vest(学生跟读)
 T: /t/./t/./t / tie(学生跟读)
 The__ has a__, a __and a__.
 The__ has a__, a __and a__.
 The__ has a__, a __and a__.
 The__ has a__, a __and a__.
 Step5出示图片(Mike Bobby YangLing)
 T:Who are they ? Ss:They’re Mike Bobby YangLing.
 (1)Mike T:You look…(happy).why? He has a new sthing. Let’s Listen
 What has Mas got ?  Listen again.
 You may say : what a nice …!(car)
 Show students the toy car .
 Ss say :what a nice car!
 What a big classroom!…
 T:Open your nice English books at page…
 Read after teache.
 Read in pairs.
 Act in pairs.
 (2)Bobby Look at the picture and say the dialogue.
 出示Liu Tao .Booy对话
 Read the dialogue
 (3)Yang Ling (T:You are Yang Ling .Look at the picture.)
 A:What’s the matter? B:____________________
 Step6 Do the workbook
 Step7 Sing a song. What’s the matter?
 Read after teacher.
 Listen to the song.
 Listen and do .
 Sing and do.
 Step8 Are you happy? Sing the song 《If you’re happy》
 Step9 Homework
 这节课是4A中的一小部分,由于四年级教材难度的加深,在教学中学生的兴趣也在减退,而且这节课是选用Unit 9的一部分,课堂情景创设也有较大难度。因此,上好这节课也不是易事,在听了这节课后,我觉得有许多值得借鉴的地方。
 1、综合课的主线如何设计。这节课是在学完本单元的单词、句型以及A部分话题的基础上学习的,它包括小对话、语音教学、歌曲的教学,还有一个游戏的教学。因此,教学环节多,内容多样化,是一节综合课。如何使内容多而散的综合课能紧凑呢?主线的设计至关重要。这节课主线设计的是句子I’ve got使D Read and act 中的Mike has got…和E, Listen and repeat中的Mr tiger had got…及Liu Tao has got…贯穿于一条线;另外,在教行D.E.F三部分教学中,教师始终灌输着一个思想help,这也使三部分内容显得浑然一体。
 2、复习阶段如何引导学生复习。前面说过,这节课之前本单元的重多知识学生已经掌握,所以这节课真正意义上说是一个复习阶段的课。如何在学新知识的同时又能更有效的复习呢?这位教师首先课前的Free talk中复习巩固了前面的复习,其次在Play a game中也做到了复习,再有就在Sing a song中,教师利用歌词也进行了对话、句型的复习。